Last time (based on what i have watch) their TV series and movie is about the unexplained and the show will always kept you in the dark with their ending. This time round they somehow ended the investigation but by using some unscientific method which Scientist say its a big bluff blah blah you know la with their "Permanent Head Damage". Of course it have its doubt and question shown in the show but it does ended with Do you want to believe that this power or superstitious Exist.
So for their title yes they live up to that expectation. As for Fox Mulder, he definitely gain a lot of weight and as for Scully age is really catching up with her. So in the movie the action scene is kind of limited. Somehow watching this movie reminds you a little of CSI series. It is not an action movie ya BTW. If its a thriller movie ... nah... don't have much of it. Their TV series have more of that. But all in all its a brand new concept of watching X-Files now. Oh yeah we get to see Skinner too at the end just for a short while.
Now first off. This is a sort of gathering of Bloggers & Forumers' from MYB but only a handful of MYB came ahahaha majority of them are Bloggers. Sorry guys i don't recall your name much but i'll get them from Miu Later. And here's just Some of the picture i've capture

Of course to show the ticket here we go. See its Complimentary.

That's Me, Miu and May. Thanks again ya Miu for the ticket.

My good clubbing and makan makan friend May Wong soon to be changing surname come this december ahahaha. Eh may never really remember ur hubby surname la. :p

Although they are really really out of season cosplay but never the less its still worth catching a picture with these guys. I heard they always come around in this costume during the opening night of a movie. Hey then again it will be back into season soon within a month or so the Star Wars - Clone Wars is coming out. Its an animation in case if you don't know.
hey Kevlin! thx for comin to the movie! :D u, may & her hubby are cool people!
nice pics too, i curi yeah?! haha
No problem go ahead :)
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