After the nice picture come the "shore" for Tulamben. Well its full of stones and their stone is smooth and dark. mainly is because these are all previously the remnants of the last volcano eruption back in 1960's . And this lady that carry these scuba tank for us... well i am sure this is a feat that most ladies in town working in a nice comfy air condition places will never be able to achieve. Let alone if you are a guy.... This Balinese lady do it with ease... i am sure if any of us guys wanna do that.... hmmmm will be having a hard time. These two tank are easily 30 kilos with all the gear and stuff. And balancing it on the head somemore... really an eye opener.
The Following picture are all capture in the first day. Well this is just some of the picture more of it is at my facebook. My email in case you don't recall its,I'll be uploading most of my picture taken into Facebook. So can check it out there. This blog is just some of the interesting one.
The corals plant in here is marvelous Its teeming with life down here not something you'll get in back in Malaysia. Well only limited places in Malaysia you can find that rich populated marine life. That plane... well its not a plane wreck. Its just metal that was shaped into a plan and planted into the sea here for marine live to stay.
Some of the Creature that i'll never be able to see in Malaysia or maybe i just haven't been able to meet them yet are these two nice Sea horses. Its called a Pigmy Seahorse. Can you spot them... I am sure if your eyes don't need any correction power you'll be able to spot them. :P They are just slightly smaller or maybe even the bigger one will be the size of our 5Cents Coin.
And this little fella is a shrimp. which is half the size of a 5cents coin. and of course the ever beautiful Nudi Branch. Sadly i don't get to see that much nudi branch here but well I found a new thing that i love underwater.
Tada... Its called the Harlequin Shrimp Gosh this is the first time i am seeing them and i love them alot. They are just sooooo nice and beautiful. Their sizes... hmmm well the more pinkish one is just the size of our 20cents coin while the bigger one is slightly bigger then our 50cents coins.
Then come these school of yellow tail fish. nothing fancy just that they are kind of regular here in Bali while in Malaysia mainly redang side you don't see it often. Now the second picture.... What do you see of it... If your guess its a piece of leaf well then you are half right. The bottom piece on the floor it is indeed a piece of leaf coconut leave while the other that's half floating its a fish. Yes its a FISH not a piece of leave.
Then comes the bigger of the fishes. This guy... Dunno what's its called just that its so kind and good relaxing there and not afraid for me to take a nice picture of it. The white guy its a paper fish. And this is the only white color guy that i saw in our entire trip. The yellow one much more common. But in Malaysia rare.
Last but not least I saw a school of kembong fish swimming near the shore. And that's me next to the school with my instructor taking the picture using his camera while the second one is using my camera taking a closer look at those nice fishes.
As for our meal... well here is some of it.... First one is my Pork Curry Rice. And the second its Nasi Campur Balinese style. Their nasi campur is not like us in Malaysia where you pick ur own dishes. Here its a fix type of vege and meat.
This Chilly is Superbly hot and wonderful. You don't get much of them in malaysia Even our typical Malaysian Chilly Padi is no match for these. Second picture is taken during lunch break in between dive. See everyone is hungry and enjoying their meal.
This one is during dinner the aftermath where everyone is contented with their meals. The other one Its Just my Instructor trying to be Half face and not Two face ya. :p
That's basically my Day 2 in Bali. Morning 9am Dive 10am finish break 1 hour 11am Dive again 12pm finish 1pm lunch 3pm dive again back 4pm shower hanging around KPC about our dive for the day some goes for Massage by the time 7pm come Dinner. After dinner go back hang around the pool or go back to respective room sleep. around 10pm Cuz everyone also tired. Come day 3. That's another posting :p
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